Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Quiet Voice of Peace

Two quotes I have encountered along my journey came back to me this week:

"Wars brazen tongues loudly advertise while the voice of peace is silent."
Newell L. Sims, A.M., PhD.

"Our only job is to bring peace to everyone, and when necessary, to use words."
St. Francis of Assisi

In the past, I would think about these two statements and it seemed a formidable task then to turn a warring planet into a peaceful one.  I mean, if the warring factions throw their voices and their proverbial weight about freely "advertising" or promoting their agendas while the peace promoters and lovers quietly go about their work, then you would naturally assume that the warring factions would make more progress.

Yet, as I contemplated what I've actually been experiencing I am amazed and delighted to see that the peace movement is growing ... and, in fact, is making great strides!  The shift as I see it  occurring on the planet at this time is rapid, effective and complete.  Every aspect of life is being affected by the quiet movement that is calling forth the best in humankind and saying there is a better way.   More people than ever before seem to be searching for peace, or seeking more spirituality in their lives, looking for integrity to rise to the surface and win the day, or simply seeking personal enlightenment.  For those who feel vibrations, there seems to be an overall agreement that there is a tangible lightness occurring everywhere that is poignant ... and refreshing.  

This would then indicate that it does not matter how loud your voice is, but rather, how powerfully you send out your passion, feelings and intentions about a thing.  The Law of Attraction at its best!  

Keep the faith, my friend.  Join the silent workforce for peace.  Make it a personal priority to find one thing every day that you can do that creates a vibration of peace on the planet.  Keep doing this, every day, compounding the peaceful acts, and thus the vibration of peace on the planet.  You DO count.  Everyone does!

If you can't believe that peace will win in the end, at least find a way to stay in a state of hopefulness, for from Hope ... anything is possible.

What an amazing time to be alive!  I am so grateful to be sharing this journey with you, my friend.


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